Tropical Fruit Juices

Sucos in Leblon.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved. Sucos in Ipanema.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved.
My favorite juice bar in Leblon. One of my favorite juice bars in Ipanema.

Rio has long been famous for its fruit juice bars. Any time of day or night you'll find cariocas bellying up to the bar - so to speak - to get their daily dose of natural vitamins. A couple of tropical fruits native to Brazil, cashew and acerola, pack more vitamin C than any other fruit. Then there's pineapple, passion fruit, mango, cupuaτu, etc. etc. I never miss a chance, and was once the butt of a friendly joke. I asked for a passion fruit juice and the guy helping me shouted to the back "the lady here wants a tranquilizer" (in Portuguese "um calmante," because of the known calming properties of that fruit). It was so unexpected that everyone started to laugh. But that's typical of Rio, I think, where everybody has a stand-up comic inside, just waiting for the right moment to pop out...

Cajus in Ipanema.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved. Sucos in Ipanema.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved. Fruits in Leblon.  Copyright Sheila Thomson.  All rights reserved.
Cashews at the street market in Ipanema. Juice bar in Ipanema. Fruit ready to become juices...

The "in" thing is to eat a bowl of aτaφ, a little black berry from a palm that grows wild in the Amazon. It is a great source of vitamins and energy.

Selling aτaφ at a river market in the Amazon. Bottled juices at a market in Parß.

Also, if you're in luck, you may find fresh pitanga juice. This is the tiny fruit from a tree native to Barbados, called "pitangueira" in Portuguese. It turns a deep dark red when ripe and it's a little tart. The pitangueira grows all over Brazil, from the north to the extreme south, and it's one of the things I miss the most. Maybe I could grow one in Florida...(It's in season in October, November, just like the jabuticaba.)

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Here's a bowl of pitangas.

Amazon market photos courtesy of Dr. Hilton da Silva

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